Transum Strategic Brand Development
Transum believes that the choice is clear: Either be true and consistent to your brand mission, vision and positioning thrusts — or default on the opportunity to establish a strong and believable brand foundation. And if that's the choice — to default — then your brand, be it a product, service, or yourself, will face tremendous obstacles to avoid evaporating in the marketplace.

The virtual and borderless global marketplace continues to evolve at light speed. The result is that competition continues to increase for every brand, often from the most unlikely places. Therefore, it is crucial to build a solid foundation for your brand — one flexible enough to adapt to ever-changing conditions driven by technological advances, new business strategies or tactics, the competitive arena, or other unforeseen conditions that develop in your marketplace.

Brand management does not have to evolve into crisis management. Absolutely not! But it may if your business organization fails to establish a functional, practical, cost-effective, and legally defensible position for your brand identity and comprehensive branding system just in case push comes to shove in a court of law.

Strategic brand planning, development, and implementation are truly a dollars and sense proposition that requires focus and consistency.

What is your brand proposition and do your key audiences make choices favorable to your brand because they know....

Who you are?
What you do?
How well you do it?

You have clear choices every step of the way. Transum can assist you in making the most beneficial ones.
The 5 Building Blocks to Brand Creation


Transum needs to know your brand. So do you. Brands and the challenges and issues they face do not exist in a vacuum. Neither does Transum.

Transum needs to understand what your organization thinks and feels about the brand — and how those outside the organization may be responding to it. The time-tested Discovery and Situation Analysis phases that begin each engagement are starting points in a custom designed Transum program that could also include executive interviews, analysis of the competitive horizon, brand and/or identity research, and development of a comprehensive brand platform / brief or some combination thereof.


Cookie cutter solutions are not advised. Developing strategic options is not a volume-oriented free-for-all to see what sticks to the wall.

Transum applies three decades of executive level operations and strategic planning experience, a clear understanding of business fundamentals, huge doses of innovative thinking, an abundance of common sense, and great intuition to create optimum strategies that make sense for your brand.


Re-runs belong on late night cable TV. Distinctive and compelling solutions require real innovation and not falling into the flavor of the month syndrome.

First and foremost, your branding and identity solutions must be rooted in sound strategies. The creative solutions that help set your brand apart in the marketplace will naturally flow from the creative options Transum develops for you — great strategic choices. Transum specializes in developing unique naming solutions that are a perfect fit for your business organization to achieve its branding objectives.


Creativity with purpose. Not sameness. Brands are like great novels. Characterizations. Themes. Plots. Conflicts. Challenges. Beginnings and Endings.

Transum investigates your situation in order to generate innovative solutions that lead to branding outcomes unlike anything else in the marketplace. Transum helps set you apart — or — helps redefine your space — or — even helps you own the space by developing unique naming solutions that serve as linchpins in brand messaging and other facets of strategic communications.


The right investment in your brand's health and welfare will pay dividends for life. One way or the other, branding comes down the bottom line.

Whether your business organization is measuring results in sales revenue, margins, volume, membership totals, customer satisfaction or loyalty levels, or other benchmarks — branding solutions created by Transum are designed to be efficient and as user friendly as possible while providing clarity and impact to your brand image and the messages you convey.

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