Transum Strategic Brand Development
May 7, 2014
The first thing that came to your mind when you saw the title of this article? Don’t overthink your response. Times up.

Just a hunch, but you might have thought SEMINAL EXIGENCY was either….

1.) A male reproductive system condition associated with diminished testosterone levels advertised on sports talk radio that can be treated by a pharma product like AndroGel, Cialis or Viagra; 2.) The title of an avant-garde European movie being screened at this year’s Denver Film Festival; 3.) Reminiscent of a tongue-in-cheek comedy sketch written by a 20th Century word alchemist / humorist such as George Carlin, Norm Crosby, or Dr. Irwin Corey?;
April 18, 2014
It’s been said that great brand names come along at just the right time. I don’t disagree. Conversely, it’s also been said (not really---I just made this up]) that great times come along with just the right brand name.

Hence, “Miller Time”, the “Paleozoic Era”, “The Good Old Days’, “The Lost Generation”, and “Y2K” as a few weak examples. Read More...
April 7, 2014
Boiled down to basics, keeping my clients out of court is at the top of my priority list, even a notch above innovation, as I help them resolve certain corporate identity or brand-related issues. Avoiding having any client stumble into harm’s way is my primary directive. Read More...
March 21, 2014
Branding. Why Bother?

A BRAND IS THE SUM TOTAL OF EVERY KEY ELEMENT AND REASON FOR EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE and IS THE EMOTIONAL CONNECTING POINT THAT THE FOUNDERS & MANAGEMENT & OPERATORS HOPE TO USE AS A CENTRAL THEME AND RALLYING POINT FOR ALL AUDIENCES. The brand is a promise. It is a set of expectations rooted in a fundamental ideology forming the framework for everything connected to the brand. Everything. Read More...
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