Transum Strategic Brand Development
since 1993 include:
High Technology, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Telecommunications

Insyntrix — Directed strategic brand planning including creation of federally trademarked name, Insyntrix, for Denver-based marketing and website development company.

Gold System, Inc. / Vonetix — Strategic brand planning and creation of federally trademarked name, Vonetix, for the company's new proprietary product in telecommunications.

Page Digital / Synaro — Strategic brand development and creation of federally trademarked name, Synaro, for new e-commerce and logistics software product.

Envista — Created internationally trademarked identity, Envista Trimentional Cinema, for patented optical lensing system.

J•R Engineering / Westrian Group — Directed strategic branding program and created federally trademarked name, Westrian Group, as the brand umbrella for the expanding company.

El Paso Energy Co. — Developed brand architecture master plan and supervised updating of graphic design system to improve corporate communications and brand awareness.
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