| TRANSUM'S CLIENTS since 1993 include: |
| Public-Private Sector, Consulting Companies, and Miscellaneous Business
Yuviworks — Development of name for patented portable water purification devices to be utilized in villages and rural communities in Third World nations, in Sub-Saharan Africa initially, and with possible expanded use in disaster aid across the globe.
Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority / Colorado BioScience Park-Aurora — Created the name, Colorado BioScience Park—Aurora, for Fitzsimons Army Hospital's massive redevelopment program that has evolved into the Anschutz Medical Campus.
Humane Society of the South Platte Valley — Provided strategic brand planning services, including creating name for new non-profit organization formed in late-2009 in Littleton, CO and coordinating development of graphic design master plan.
Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association — Developed strategic branding master plan for two large trade associations uniting through a joint venture effort.
Navicor — Created federally trademarked name for Educational Testing Service's software used for humane resource sector while employed at another consulting firm.
DezignRite — Created federally trademarked name for national network of retail paint and interior decorating stores operated by National Paint Distributors' parent company, ProGroup, Inc.
Eagle Wing Strategies — Advisory services to national consulting firm specializing in career management and planning.
Monigle Associates — Project management for national signage and ATM re-branding program resulting from merger between JP Morgan Chase and BankOne.
Hanna Design Ltd. — Consulting and advisory services in strategic planning, brand development, and corporate identification development for clients of the design firm.
BBT4 Salons — Wrote voice-over script for major flash presentation for national marketing company's website.