Transum Strategic Brand Development

No two companies are exactly alike — it's like comparing apples to wing nuts — and this is also true of their needs, issues and strategic initiatives. Transum explores every imaginable option to make certain your branding, corporate identity or strategic marketing solution meets your unique objectives.
Page Digital / SYNARO

Page Digital, a technology company specializing in e-commerce and catalog solutions for the retail industry, needed to name a new software solution for transaction management, CRM and logistics.

Transum created the federally trademarked name, SYNARO, following a comprehensive discovery process. SYNARO is rooted in 'synthesizing and synergizing commerce' and the word 'arrow' to convey the power and progressive direction of the company's new offering.

SYNARO quickly became a brand marketing calling card for Page Digital and was marketed internationally as a premier solution for order management and customer relationship management [CRM]. The name is now utilized by a California-based company that describes SYNARO as "....a proven multi-channel software solution for retailers, cataloguers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers and more!..."
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