Transum Strategic Brand Development

No two companies are exactly alike — it's like comparing apples to wing nuts — and this is also true of their needs, issues and strategic initiatives. Transum explores every imaginable option to make certain your branding, corporate identity or strategic marketing solution meets your unique objectives.

Gold Systems / VONTETIX

Faced with the challenges of introducing its first proprietary product into the interactive voice technology marketplace, Gold Systems, Inc. retained Transum to develop a name and initial branding strategies for the new product offering.

Transum created the federally trademarked solution, VONETIX, to convey "Voice Network Integration" and to help Gold Systems in its efforts to develop a more visible presence in the national and international telecommunications marketplace.

From the day of the initial launch of VONETIX, Gold Systems set the stage for future development of several branded products and services under the unique, distinctive, and memorable VONETIX brand identity that was successfully marketed internationally for nearly fifteen years.
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