Transum Strategic Brand Development
No two companies are exactly alike — it's like comparing apples to wing nuts — and this is also true of their needs, issues and strategic initiatives. Transum explores every imaginable option to make certain your branding, corporate identity or strategic marketing solution meets your unique objectives.

Admiral Beverage Corp. / XZUDE

Admiral Beverage Corporation, one of the nation's most highly regarded and most innovative beverage bottlers and distributors, needed to name a new beverage product targeting the sports and energy drink category.

Transum created the federally trademarked brand name, XZUDE, to convey an upbeat and contemporary brand image of fitness, health consciousness, and energy to recreational and competitive athletes of all ages and cultures.

Launched initially in 17 western states, XZUDE's market recognition, sales and financial results for the first year exceeded all expectations. Additionally, XZUDE established strong awareness immediately within the grocery and convenience store industry. The XZUDE brand name was successfully positioned as the brand umbrella for a national line of sports and energy drinks. Pepsico, Inc. acquired the XZUDE brand in 2011.

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